More sustainable companies (salaries a bit less so)
by V. De Molli. The European House – Ambrosetti survey of major institutional investors globally certifies that the way companies manage the question of sustainability represents one of the major criteria used by professional investors to select investment targets.
Download PDFThe agrifood supply chain at record levels, but profits are falling for large-scale distribution
by V. De Ceglia. The European House – Ambrosetti study not only delineates the extent and the actual values of the “extended” agrifood supply chain in Italy, it also reveals that, today, the weak link in the food chain are the large-scale distribution giants which are erroneously considered by the general public to be the power houses of the chain.
Download PDFHealth: Italy ranks at the top in the EU, but its National Health Service sits halfway in the rankings
by M. Bartoloni. The new comparison of national health services is from the latest (14th) Meridiano Sanità report prepared by The European House – Ambrosetti.
Download PDFSalaries & Managers. The smaller they are, the less they explain whether the bonus is deserved
by V. De Molli and M. Visani. The Observatory on Corporate Governance Excellence of The European House - Ambrosetti examined the reports on remuneration for the last three years, published by the industrial companies of two segments of the Italian Stock Exchange.
Download PDFDomestic help and home caregivers on the books
by M. Casadei. In 2017, 6.9 billion euros were spent for domestic help and caregivers, without taking into account the one million working off the books. The picture as reported by The European House - Ambrosetti.
Download PDFThe Railway’s promise to commuters: in Liguria, trains to be renovated by 2023
by M. Menduni. Trains that streak by like lightning, at high speed and providing super-fast connections. But there is another side to the coin. And this involves “people who use regional transport and account for about 90 percent of passengers in the rail system”, admits Gianfranco Battisti, managing director of the Italian Railways.
Download PDFThe clash over cash? It could bring in 12 billion. And local government should play its part
by V. De Molli. If e-payments were to come into line with the EU average, VAT revenues would increase greatly. The 2019 Report of the Cashless Society Community.
Download PDFMassolo: “Stx, confident that the merger will take place”
by C. Festa. “Regarding Stx, we are confident” the merger will take place. “We do not think it will happen by the end of the year, but the time frame is not unlimited. We are working to make it happen.” This the statement by the president of Fincantieri, Giampiero Massolo, while attending the Ambrosetti Forum.
Download PDFBusinessmen say revenues and employment down in 2019
by S. Arcudi. The opinions emerging from the Forum are a litmus test of the sentiment of Italian business. The views expressed should, therefore, be taken into consideration, especially in the currently-delicate situation.
Download PDFEnel, sustainable bond issued. 1.5 billion placed in the US
by L. Serafini. Enel has launched a new $1.5 billion bond and this time it is an innovative sustainable issuing that overcomes the restrictions and limits that, until now, have hampered the spread of green bonds.
Download PDFPetraeus: “The solution to the US-China crisis is multilateralism”
by M. Longo. A customs agreement between the United States and China is possible and must benefit the entire world. But solving such broad-ranging issues requires multilateralism. The markets are right not to be scared because both of the powers have too much to lose.
Download PDFItaly discovers it is more competitive: “High attraction potential”
by M. Longo. There are many things holding it back. And problems still to solve. Yet, despite its weaknesses, Italy is holding on. According to the Global Attractiveness Index (created by The European House – Ambrosetti and presented at the Cernobbio Forum) it is ranked the 16th most-attractive country in the world out of 144 nations.
Download PDFEnergy, solidarity, fake news. Sustainable innovators awarded
by L. Ser. Enass Abo-Hamed, CEO and co-founder of H2GO, Lucrezia Bisignani, founder and CEO of Kukua and Dhruv Ghulati, CEO and co-founder of Factmata were the three under-35s who received the “The Peres Heritage Initiative” award at The European House - Ambrosetti Forum.
Download PDFThe business world is open to the new Conte government: the budget will be decisive
by N. Picchio. The outlook is generally positive towards the newly-formed Conte government, in the view of the members of the business community gathered at Cernobbio for the annual Ambrosetti Forum.
Download PDFCenobbio Forum, confidence in Conte but stimuli for growth are needed
by G. Franzese. Talking about widespread optimism may be excessive, but there is no question that the formation of the new Conte government presages improved prospects, especially in terms of growth and development. This is the view of the two hundred attendees of the annual Ambrosetti Forum at Cernobbio on Lake Como.
Download PDFEnel, a flood of requests for the first sustainable bond
by L. Ram. Enel has launched on the US market the first green bond in the world tied to meeting a sustainable goal. This electrical power group is ready to do the same in Europe.
Download PDFPortugal’s lesson for Italy
by L. Veronese. The factors that enabled the economy of Portugal to renew itself and start over are examined in the survey produced by The European House – Ambrosetti for the 45th edition of the Forum that will be held from September 6th to 8th at Villa d’Este in Cernobbio: “From tragedy to international success in less than a decade: the crisis as the trigger point that turned the Portuguese economy around”.
Download PDFPolitical uncertainty destabilizes business
by V. De Molli. The second quarter of 2019 did not open on a positive note. Industrial orders were down 2.4% in April compared with March, the spread continued to rise and OECD analysis of the Italian economic situation indicated a recession in 2019, with a 0.2% drop in GDP for 2019.
Download PDFTaranto: sustainability or decline
by V. De Molli. The strategies of all companies in all sectors must necessarily be focused on applying increasingly-demanding and ambitious sustainability plans.
Download PDFInnovation and research, why Campania’s future is all growth
by V. De Molli. Through the Campania Technology Forum, we want to affirm that trusting in the progress and best minds in the Mezzogiorno, can be one of the answers to the myriad problems affecting the southern regions of Italy.
Download PDFReceipt lottery underway expense detractions excluded card payments earn a bonus
by S. Di Palma. According to the recent report by The European House – Ambrosetti, Italy is one of the countries in the world where the incidence of cash on GDP is highest. Out of 95 economies analyzed in the Cash Intensity Index, Italy is in 32nd place.
Download PDFEight Life Sciences poles. “They have tremendous potential”
by A. Frollà. Emerging from the most recent life sciences report prepared by The European House – Ambrosetti is the existence of eight regional poles that stand out for the quality of their research and level of competitiveness.
Download PDFThe brave remarks by Francesco Buzzella, President of the Industrialists’ Association
by F. Buzzella. An important meeting because it saw the presentation of the results of the 3C Masterplan, a major work produced by The European House-Ambrosetti. A very busy year dedicated to analyzing the territory for the purpose of sketching out a strategic vision that we should move towards, in order to provide the Province of Cremona with renewed impetus.
Download PDFThe Masterplan provides a framework. What’s required are the leaders to implement it
by A. Rossi. The presentation of the “3C Masterplan” by The European House Ambrosetti's Senior Partner, Paolo Borzatta, and Scenarios and Intelligence Area Manager, Lorenzo Tavazzi, ended with a clear, unequivocal message to the territory.
Download PDFFintech’s evolution focuses on banks
by P. Soldavini. Analyzing the world of new players entering the financial services sector in open competition to pre-existing entities, is the report by The European House – Ambrosetti which will be released on May 15th and summarizes the activity of its Fintech Community in recent months.
Download PDFWhy there’s now the chance to take off again
by V. De Molli. The competitiveness and appeal of the Liguria region are strongly dependent on the ability to set forth a broad-ranging development model and strategies, able to look hopefully towards the future, making the most of the area’s specific skills and resources and at the same time boosting the existing model in order to turn it into a sustainable value for future generations.
Download PDFThe new bank will be invisible and customizable
by P. Soldavini. Over the last ten years, the digital transformation in banking has too often manifested itself in simply passing from services offered digitally, rather than physically. But this is no longer sufficient.
Download PDFItaly is still a hostage to cash
by A. Frollà. Despite the efforts of those in the sector, the public administration and a number of legislative initiatives, Italy remains a country deeply attracted to cash, especially bank notes.
Download PDFThe cashless economy in Italy is worth more than 11 billion
by A. Plateroti. What does “cashless society” mean? Literally “a society with no cash”, it has an evocative ring about it, but this is not exhaustive enough to describe the revolutionary significance of a new model of digital economy that is demolishing power relations and consumers’ traditions and habits in the entire global payment supply chain.
Download PDFWhat is the challenge for the bank of the future? To transform itself into a Tech Company
by P. Soldavini. Open technology is the strategic asset for rethinking the relationship with the customer. Fintech is viewed as an incentive partner but it is Big Tech is creating fear.
Download PDF“Corroded” globalization scares economists and businesses
by M. Cellino. The “corrosion” of globalization is the element worries the economists, financiers and businessmen gathered in Cernobbio for the traditional “Outlook for Economy and Finance” Workshop, organized by the European House - Ambrosetti at Villa d’Este, and held today and tomorrow.
Download PDFUnsustainable debt as bad as in Nitti’s time. Italy more exposed to economic crisis
by M. Longo. The debt-to-GDP ratio is the highest it has been since 1920: Italy has the lowest productivity in Europe. The study presented by The European House-Ambrosetti at Cernobbio lays it all out without pulling any punches.
Download PDFRecord level of debt, as bad as in war time
by F. Fubini. How would Italy be with a public debt closer to the European average? It is almost pointless to ask the question considering how far off a scenario of the kind is from current conditions.
Download PDFEconomy braking and politicians distracted
by V. De Molli. The indicator for the current assessment of the business environment has fallen for the fourth consecutive quarter and for the first time is negative.
Download PDFDigital payments represent economic value for the PA
by P. Soldavini. Collection speed, lower costs, fewer errors: across-the-board adoption for refuse collection tax (Tari) and tickets throughout Italy could translate into a €375 million benefit annually. Milan is a shining example.
Download PDFManager forecasts? GDP will worsen
by L. Orlando. Processing and translating into GDP the responses of over 350 CEOs and company managers, the forecast for Italy is a growth in GDP of barely 0.2% in the second quarter and 0.3% in the third, the first year in the “red” since the end of 2013.
Download PDFFuture: Italy. De Molli: restarting from crowdfunding
by L. Gialanella. For every dollar invested, the cycling brand receives the equivalent of 5.4 in advertising. Cycling offers an effective platform for building an international media presence.
Download PDFWithout investment, there is no development (or future)
by V. De Molli. The solution for the success, growth—of employment and income—and the development of a country start with investment, and in Italy, in recent years, this situation has been particularly critical.
Download PDFA country limping along. The Ambrosetti Club analysis of the economic trend
by E. Spa. The gaps are widening and within this context, the country overall is limping along. It is the slowest in Europe, even worse than Britain, despite Brexit.
Download PDFInvestment and employment in the red. Concern rises
by V. De Molli. In terms of employment, expectations are negative, in line with the decrease seen last quarter.
Download PDFItaly is in big trouble if the world economy slows down
by V. De Molli. After almost four years, the word “recession” is back among the words most searched on Google in Italy.
Download PDFThe payment revolution: cash cards take on a new life
by C. Meoni. Cash cards go digital and bet on a rapid reduction in cash payments.
Download PDF
Silvia Lovati
Associate Partner; Head of TEHA Club