Dalle colonne dei principali organi di stampa italiani e internazionali, gli articoli dedicati alla 27^ edizione del Workshop “Lo Scenario dell’Economia della Finanza”.
CNBC Europe – Interviste
- Trump and Berlusconi are similar: Professor
- This is biggest risk facing Europe: Allianz exec
- Letta ‘absolutely not’ returning to politics, but…
- ECB’s Mersch warns on competitive currency devaluation
- Gloom and doom not the right way: Blanchard
- It’s false that Italy’s banks aren’t lending: De Molli
- Blockchain is democratizing finance: Expert
- Blockchain won’t kill banks: Brock Pierce
- Predicting Donald Trump presidential bid
- No one knows when to raise rates: Economist
- The Fed must act early: Economist
- The ECB should not use negative rates: Blanchard
- Draghi jumped the gun on negative rates: Economist
- Letta: No plan to return to politics
- Big task to take leadership of integration: Letta
- Damage is done with Trump in race: Letta
- Italy has room for more reform: EU commissioner
- There are no risk-free trades: Allianz vice chair
- ‘Brexit’ is greatest risk facing EU: Vice chair
- No right answer on when the Fed could raise rates: Economist
- Panama Papers show tax avoidance like a ‘cancer’
Bloomberg.com – Interviste
- Fed Most Important Central Bank to the World: Frenkel
- Central Banks Need More Emphasis on Borrower Crisis, Koo Says
- Blanchard: Demand Weak Because Future Is Not Exciting
- Roubini Warns ‘Brexit’ Could Bring End of European Union
- Roubini: There Could Be a Global Currency War Brewing
- QE, Income Inequality and the Global Rise of Populism
- Did the Fed Make a Policy Mistake in the Dec. Rate Hike?
- Blanchard Favors QE Over Negative Rates as Pill for Dull Economy
- Negative Rates Get Negative Reviews at Lake Como Conference
- ECB’s Mersch Warns of Diminishing Returns in Central Bank
- EU Plans To Assess Italy’s Economy By May, Vice President Says
- European Bank Outlook More Uncertain Than in 2009, Perol Says
- Jens Spahn on ‘Grexit’, ‘Brexit’ and Refugee Crisis
- Una crescita sottotono rispetto alle stime
- Un fondo per le imprese che valorizzi la loro «ricchezza immobilizzata»
- Padoan: Italia ha tutte le carte in regola per ottenere flessibilità di bilancio da Bruxelles
- Fattore tempo determinante per il successo del veicolo Npl sui crediti deteriorati
- Mersch: la Bce resti flessibile
- Banche capaci di risolvere criticità da sole
- Il Qe serve ma da solo non basta per la crescita
La Repubblica.it
- Katainen: “L’Italia ha già molta flessibilità non crescerà spendendo di più”
- Ghizzoni conferma: “Vicenza nel mirino di Fortress”
- Nouriel Roubini: “L’Italia paga l’indecisione europea sull’unione fiscale”
- Def, Padoan risponde alla Camusso: ”Crescita aumenta e debito diminuisce”
- Padoan: ”La spending review is alive and kicking”
- Allarme di Pechino: “La crescita cinese scenderà sotto il 6%”

Silvia Lovati
Associate Partner; Resp. TEHA Club