In 2016, The European House - Ambrosetti launched the “Liguria 2022” initiative, a platform for discussion and dialogue among public and private players to relaunch the development model for the Liguria Region through concrete projects and a shared medium/long-term strategy. The COVID-19 emergency opens a new scenario for Liguria, which looks towards relaunching, development and the future in the transition from “Liguria 2022” to “Liguria 2030”. In 2021, during the 5th edition, the priorities for action and investment have been analyzed in-depth to support the strategic planning process, in line with the indications coming from the national and European programming and, in particular, from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP).
The Think Tank's vision for Liguria
To become one of the most renowned centres in the world for the enhancement and preservation of the person and the territory in a sustainable perspective, with a range of services dedicated to those who are looking for quality, refinement and essentiality, with a well-being industry developed in all its economic sectors and a industrial sector that creates technologies, products and services for the protection and safeguarding of the environment and the society, based on the continuous enhancement of the sea, which has always been a source of economic growth and prosperity for the Liguria Region.
8th edition
For the 8th edition of the Think Tank, the local business communities met at thematic Round Tables that were held on different days and in different cities, to prepare discussing points and proposals that were presented at the final Forum, held on July 1, 2024 in Rapallo.
March 4, 2024, Imperia: 1st Round Table, "Development perspectives for Imperia"
April 11, 2024, La Spezia: 2nd Round Table, "Development perspectives for La Spezia"
April 19, 2024, Savona: 3rd Round Table, "Development perspectives for Savona"
Documents from the Forum

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