Open Dialogues for the Future is a two-day Forum that includes meetings, debates and round tables on the latest trends and phenomena of geoeconomics and geopolitics, designed by the Chamber of Commerce Pordenone-Udine in collaboration with The European House - Ambrosetti and the scientific direction of the journalist and author, Federico Rampini.

It will be held on March 7-8 2024 in Udine (Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy), scattered across the city in various locations: the Chamber's Valduga Room, Palazzo Antonini (headquarters of the Friuli Foundation), the Castle of Udine and the former church of San Francesco. The event is located in a geographical area that aspires to be a reference point for international geopolitical reflection, also benefiting from its strategic position in the centre of Europe.

From the first to the second edition

The first edition, held in 2023, delved into a series of unprecedented challenges and crises for the world community that occurred between 2020 and 2022, including the pandemic from Covid-19 and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, which has brought war back to an Old Continent that seemed pacified, and the resulting energy crisis and global value chains crisis.

The second edition was focused on currentl international issues, starting from the conflict in the Middle East, which outlines ever-changing scenarios and is capable of influencing global political and economic balances. We also discussed the strategies and economic partnerships of  the great powers, as well as the relationships between Europe and Italy, and China, Germany and the USA markets, with a final session dedicated to the youth and the concept of leadership in an ever-changing world.

For information on the programme and the speakers:

Irene Brignoli

+39 02 4675 3319

With the support of
Under the patronage of