July 2024 

Two new hires in TEHA. TEHA strenghtnens its expertise with Lorenzo Montagna and Jacopo Palermo

Milan, July 18, 2024

From July 2024, TEHA Group - Holding of The European House - Ambrosetti - welcomes two new hires to boost its growth path. Lorenzo Montagna will be the Head of Immersive Technologies & WEB3.0, within TEHA's Innotech Hub Practice, managed by Corrado Panzeri, Partner. Jacopo Palermo joins TEHA as Principal Expert Real Estate, in the Business & Policy Impact Practice, managed by Emiliano Briante, Partner.

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Renewable Energy Forum "Renewable Thinking" 2024

Saint Vincent, July 5, 2024

The second edition of the Renewable Energy Forum "Renewable Thinking", launched by CVA - Compagnia Valdostana delle Acque - in collaboration with The European House - Ambrosetti, under the patronage of Future Electricity and in collaboration with UniCredit. The event aims to become the annual event that encourages a strategic reflection on the evolution of renewable sources in Italy.

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Press release - TEHA Group, a new company of The European House - Ambrosetti

Milan, July 2, 2024

TEHA Group S.p.A. was established on July 1, 2024: a company subject to Management and Coordination by The European House - Ambrosetti S.p.A. (which remains the Holding of the group, with Marco Grazioli as President and Valerio De Molli as Managing Director and Managing Partner). TEHA Group will include all the operational activities carried out by the Group, including the subsidiaries (Ambrosetti Group Limited and its foreign subsidiaries, Ambrosetti Consultores, Cefriel, GDS Communication, Oltre Consulting, HBR Italia, and CyBrain). 

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8th edition of the "Liguria 2030" Forum

Rapallo, 1 luglio 2024

Innovation, investments in physical and digital infrastructures, harbour system, blue economy, green transition, tourism, and culture: these the main topics of the 8th edition of the "Liguria 2030" Strategic Report on the development drivers of the Liguria Region.

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 June 2024 

The Apulian agri-food industry reaches 16 billion euros of added value

Bari, June 26, 2024

The added value of the Apulian agri-food sector is 15.7 billion euros, 22% of the Region’s GDP. According to the data presented at the 1st Forum of the Agrifood&Beverage Community in Puglia, the supply chain has also contributed significantly to the social dimension, being the 1st Italian Region for employment rate and number of active companies in 2022.

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Italy and France: Europe and the Mediterranean

Paris, June 12, 2024

The 7th edition of the Italian-French Dialogue for Europe ended with a forum hosted by Sciences Po University. During the event, a survey carried out by IPSOS Italia with the support of Edison, was presented, showing the thoughts of Italian and French citizens on economic, energy, and political issues.

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 May 2024 

TEHA - Global Innosystem Index 2024. Italy is 24th for innovabilion capability

Stresa, May 30, 2024

The TEHA - Global Innosystem Index (TEHA - GII) 2024, presented at the Technology Forum held on May 30-31 in Stresa, places Italy at the bottom of the ranking on innovation issues. Singapore, Israel, and Estonia are at the top, while Italy is 24th. The KPIs with the worst performances for Italy are innovation of the ecosystem (32th) and the human capital (28th), however the country is placed at the 10th place for effectiveness of the ecosystem of innovation.

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The South is the third most attractive Mediterranean Region

Sorrento, May 17, 2024

The strategic vision for the South of Italy of the "Verso Sud" White Book was presented: it highlights the role of this area as a connector between Europe and the Wider Mediterranean. The South of Italy could support the creation and implementation of a plan aimed at making Europe the protagonist of the many geopolitical, economic and social changes that influence the construction of a wider, stronger, just and cohesive Mediterranean society.

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Intervention proposals to highlight the contribution of shopping centres

Rome, May 14, 2024

In collaboration with CNCC-Consiglio Nazionale dei Centri Commerciali, The European House - Ambrosetti has mapped for the first time the extended value chain of shopping centres, analyzing their economic and social contribution to Italy, with over 700 thousand employees, 130 billion Euro in turnover and 4 billion Euro in investments made in 2022. Competitive conditions and sustainable development: the two main levers of action to support the full potential of this industry.

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The third edition of the Verso Sud Forum

Sorrento, May 13, 2024

During the 3rd edition of the "Verso Sud" Forum the new White Paper will be presented, with proposals to make Southern Italy a point of reference in the crucial economic sectors for the Wider Mediterranean. The event will be participated by Ministers Fitto and Musumeci, the presidents of the Regions of Abruzzo, Calabria, and Puglia, and ministers from Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Kosovo, Qatar as well as the leaders of important Italian and foreign companies and institutions.

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The extended agri-food chain grows (8.4%) and is close to 600 billion euros

Milan, May 9, 2024

The extended agri-food chain (agriculture, food, distribution, intermediation and distribution) keeps growing in the Italian economy: it is now worth 586.9 billion euros, 8.4% more than in 2021 and +29% over 2015, and generates almost 335 billion value added, equal to 19% of Italian GDP. According to data illustrated by The European House - Ambrosetti - during the presentation of the 8th edition of the Forum "The Roadmap of the future for food & beverage: what evolutions and what challenges for the coming years", to be held in Bormio on June 7 and 8 - the extended agri-food chain has attracted beyond 25 billion euros of investments in 2022, thanks to 3,7 million employees. 

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Three areas of intervention for the smart transformation of the Italian real estate

Rome, May 7, 2024

The European House - Ambrosetti presented action proposals to accelerate the smart modernisation of the Italian real estate, developed together with the Smart Building Community. The key actions are three: promoting a review of the incentive system; introducing a "record book" with legal value; strengthening and building the skills necessary for the industrial supply chains of Smart Building technologies.

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 April 2024 

Regions and cities facing the cashless transition: a two-speed Italy

Milan, April 18, 2024

In the cashless transition, Northern Italy is still the "best performer" but with relevant differences: Lombardy (thanks to its Regional Capital, Milan) pulls the country, while Emilia-Romagna and Liguria pull back. Among the causes, there is a decline in e-commerce and a not sufficient broadband coverage. The gap between best and worst performer (Calabria) has grown: the value has reached 51.8%, the highest figure since the first Regional Cashless Index, which has increased of +10.5 percentage points in the last year only.

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What future for the EU Single Market: the priorities of the European business community

Cernobbio, April 5, 2024

30 years after its creation, the Single Market has unanimously convinced the business community of the benefits it brings and, today, these companies ask Europe for more "market". On the other hand, there is still a persistent gap between SMEs and the Single Market: these companies are mostly concerned about the bureaucracy and the increase in compliance costs it brings along.

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The Outlook for the Economy and Finance 2024

Cernobbio, April 3, 2024

On Friday, April 5 begins the 35th edition of "The Outlook for the Economy and Finance", the second most prestigious event of The European House - Ambrosetti, dedicated to discussing the macrotrends in economy and finance in Italy, Europe and the world.

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 March 2024 

Sicily focused on private investments and high tech

Catania, March 18, 2024

The second event of the "Verso Sud" Roadshow of The European House - Ambrosetti (TEHA) took place in Catania, anticipating the third edition of the Verso Sud Forum in Sorrento (May, 17-18 2024). During the meeting - which took place in the presence of the Councillor for Territory and Environment, Elena Pagana and the Councillor for Productive Activities, Edy Tamajo - was presented the socio-economic framework of Sicily, that shows critical issues to be addressed but also crucial signs of optimism that may support the realization of the vision of  the Verso Sud initiative.

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 February 2024 

Third edition of Verso Sud, promoting a strong commitment to Mediterranean challenges in Puglia

Bari, February 9, 2024

One of the stages of the 2024 Roadshow of the international platform "Verso Sud" of The European House - Ambrosetti took place in Bari, in anticipation of the Forum in Sorrento (May 17-18, 2024). The objective is to collect projects and proposals addressing the opportunities for the South within the Euro-Mediterranean framework, which also have multiplicative effects of investments (public and private), in a cooperative and interregional perspective, to stimulate growth.

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Floating Offshore Wind Community. Italy has huge opportunities for the development of floating offshore wind

Rome, February 2, 2024

Floating offshore wind has a strong energy potential and limited environmental and social impacts and can contribute significantly to the decarbonisation goals in Italy. This is the premise of the Study of the Floating Offshore Wind Community - realized by TEHA in collaboration with Renantis, BlueFloat Energy, Fincantieri and Acciaierie d'Italia - that highlights 10 strengths of offshore wind floating and debunks 10 wrong beliefs on this technology.

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 January 2024 

Study The European House - Ambrosetti and Edison Next: 28 million less CO2 and economic benefits with decarbonisation

Milan, January 31, 2024

The Study "The role of integrated energy solutions for the competitiveness of Italian companies" by The European House - Ambrosetti in collaboration with Edison Next - realized with the contribution and participation of important stakeholders in the energy sector and the business world, shows how the partnership with integrated energy operators, together with a long-term investment plan based on a wide mix of technologies, ensure the achievement of the 2030 decarbonisation targets in Italy for industry and service companies.

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Invest in Tuscany, Tuscany is focusing on research and innovation

Florence, January 17, 2024

The 2024 Report of the Tuscan Community of The European House - Ambrosetti was presented at the Annual Meeting of Invest in Tuscany. Tuscany is among the first regions in Italy for energy from renewable sources, new businesses started in the last year and export. The President of the Tuscany Region, Eugenio Giani, also participated in the event.

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