Tuscany Community

The challenges for today's economic and productive system of the Tuscany Region.

Tuscany Community's Mission

The Community was created to foster dialogue and strenghten relations between the managerial-entrepreneurial, financial, and institutional communities, providing stimuli and useful analyses aimed at boosting the competitiveness of Tuscany in view of the recovery of the national, European and global economy.


  • Identifying - with the contribution of the members of the Community and the Heads of local institutions - the priorities in order to strengthen the attractiveness and competitiveness of the Region
  • Mapping the key sectors and macro-areas for Tuscany's development 
  • Sharing best practices among business leaders, with a focus on the dynamics of the local economic and productive fields
  • Promoting a continuous collaboration with local decision makers aimed at planning and implementing actions and policies of mutual interest 

From the first to the second edition

During the first edition, launched in 2022, we held four thametic meetings and a Forum where we presented a strategic Tableau de Bord (with 33 Key Performance Indicators for Tuscany and other Italian Regions) to analyse strenghts and weaknesses that could affect the territory's growth.

The second edition will also have meetings focused on specific topics. The first one took place in Florence on September 27, 2023, and was dedicated to vocational training in Tuscany.

In collaboration with
Main Partners