Reference context
In recent years, the evolution of the Public Administration has seen a number of interesting developments, including the creation of forms of decentralization of authority, operational flexibility, orientation towards performance and development of productivity.
Our services
- Competitive development strategies on a national, regional, state or local level, as well as for other territorial entities
- Planning of public sector development policies and production facilities
- Analysis, scouting and research into investors to attract investment and business facilities to the area
- Creation of investment initiative business plans (design of initiative and evaluation business system)
- Assistance in creating strategic relations with investors, competence centers and businesses
- Design of vertical, sector-related policies and strategies
- Strategic governing, monitoring of vertical sector-related policies and strategies (economic, social, cultural, tourist and environmental development, technological innovation, e-government, time and work flows requirements, etc.)
- Design of public policy financing models
- Planning of technology transfer models
- Drawing up of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) governance
- Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the impact of public policies, including those which support business
- Optimization of the mission and organization of public bodies, design of their governance processes, programs for the start/end of terms of office, social budget, activities involving key internal public administration processes
- Surveys on citizen and business needs and satisfaction levels
- Creation of on-going services to businesses, including export and internationalization support services
- Strategic and operational planning for public communications
- Cultural reorientation and change management initiatives

Giorgio Tonelli
Member of the Board of The European House - Ambrosetti