Area: Family Business
- Support in the definition of a "Pact of governance" among the members of the Family: a system of shared rules, criteria and mechanisms, that helps the Family to regulate their conduct towards the Company, in order to safeguard common and company interests
- Support for the professional development of young members of the Family: rules alone are not sufficient; it is necessary to continuously monitor the growth path of the youngest, supporting them in their educational and professional choices and helping them making objective assessments of their work performance in the family business
- Organization of customised training programmes to develop knowledge and skills necessary for the members of the Family to effectively perform their roles (especially in the Board)
- Support in the professionalization of governance, by helping the Family to define roles/positions of their heads and improving the functioning of the Board of Directors and the search for Independent Advisors
- Support in the revision of roles and the setting up of an effective organization (organizational chart, operating mechanisms, human resources management)
- Support in the definition and application of a patrimonial strategy that is adapted to the quality of life of the members of the Family, their economic needs, the control of the enterprise and its governability, the level of risk of investments and the related balancing needs.

Luca Petoletti
Partner; Head of Family Business and Governance Practice
Area: Executive Compensation
- Remuneration Policy Check-Up: identificating the strenghts and opportunities for improvement related to client remuneration systems, as compared to a panel of benchmark companies or in terms of market desires (institutional investors)
- How much to pay: supporting the establishment of total remuneration and the retributive mix of top management, as well as developing custom benchmarks to establish congruity of remuneration for members of the Board
- How to pay: designing short- and medium/long-term incentive systems
The European House - Ambrosetti has developed a unique methodological approach: the Index of Governance Excellence (EG Index) provides an objective evaluation of the quality of a company’s governance system through the mapping of a portfolio of qualitative and quantitative indicators. This tool, together with the analysis of corporate documents and one-to-one interviews with members of the board of directors and committees, and corporate heads and management, provide a rigorous and detailed picture of the state-of-health of the governance of each company.
A permanent Observatory on Governance
In 2004, The European House - Ambrosetti created a top-level permanent Observatory whose goal is to provide practical advices and proposals to promote the attainment of excellence in the governance systems of Italian companies. The Observatory is aided in this by an Advisory Board and is supported by companies which are partners in the initiative.
Learn more
Marco Visani
Associate Partner; Head of the Corporate Governance and Executive Compensation Practice