July  2024 

Climate change costs 300 euros per capita in Italy, a record in the EU

July 20, 2024

With almost 300 euros per capita (284 euros), Italy is the first country in Europe for economic losses due to climate change, a figure increased 5 times (+490%) since 2015. The data compiled by The European House - Ambrosetti emerged during the sixth edition of the Value of Water for Italy Community, which includes 42 companies and institutions from the extended supply chain of the water.

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Water scarcity, Dell'Acqua: give powers to the authorities of the basin

July 10, 2024

"The authorities of the basin are the entities that can help the country to manage the drought emergency by entrusting them with the planning of the primary water supply and leaving only the local management to the Regions". These are the words of the special commissioner for the adoption of urgent measures related to water scarcity, Nicola Dell'Acqua, who spoke at the second meeting of the sixth edition of the Value of Water for Italy Community run by The European House - Ambrosetti, representing 42 partners in the extended water supply chain in Italy.

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Looking Southwards

July 2024

The South of Italy must «raise the bar of its own ambition, contributing to the development path of the Mediterranean». Interview with Cetti Lauteta, Associate Partner of The European House - Ambrosetti.

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TEHA Group is founded, De Molli is the CEO

July 2, 2024

As of July 1, 2024, TEHA Group S.p.A. will be established, a company subject to the direction and coordination of The European House – Ambrosetti S.p.A. (which will remain the group’s holding company, with Marco Grazioli as President and Valerio De Molli as CEO and Managing Partner).TEHA Group will include all the operational activities of the group, including its subsidiaries (Ambrosetti Group Limited and its foreign subsidiaries, Ambrosetti Consultores, Cefriel, GDS Communication, Oltre Consulting, HBR Italia and CyBrain). 

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Liguria, the economy grows. But the weak point is still infrastructures. The European House - Ambrosetti's Forum in Rapallo

July 1, 2024

The 8 edition of the "Liguria 2030" strategic report was realised by The European House - Ambrosetti with the support of Liguria Region. Presented at the annual Forum in Rapallo, it has highlighted crucial areas for the development of the Liguria Region, including innovation, physical and digital infrastructure, port system, blue economy, green transition, tourism, and culture. The report tells in detail the development vision and progress of its regional infrastructure.

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June  2024 

Sicily may become a desert: there is no more water

June 18, 2024

According to a study by the think-tank The European House - Ambrosetti, released on the occasion of the World Day against Desertification and Drought (June 17), in 2022 in Italy there was a loss of more than 51% of renewable water resources, compared to the historical average (monitored since 1950). About 70% of land in Sicily, according to the latest data of Anbi (the association of basin consortia) is at real risk of desertification.

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Healthcare: 'Sustainability and innovation in diabetes' Manifesto presented

June 12, 2024

The "Sustainability and innovation in diabetes" Manifesto , realized by The European House - Ambrosetti with the non-conditioning contribution of Novo Nordisk, was presented in Rome. Thanks to the work of an expert panel, it drafted a short list of priority action proposals aimed at increasing attention to the relationships between health and the environment related to high-impact chronic diseases, among which diabetes has a major presence.

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Agribusiness: Italian top value chains must focus on competitiveness and productivity growth

June 10, 2024

Energy inflation, rising raw material costs, and labour shortages are among the burdens that keep the Italian agri-food sector, crucial for our economy, in check. In fact, Italy excels in innovation, ranking among the top five EU countries for agricultural robotics and patents, despite the scarce public investment in the sector, which is lower than the European average. These data were presented during the 8th Food & Beverage Forum in Bormio.

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Italian sounding, a damage of 63 billion to the value chain

June 7, 2024

Without Italian Sounding - using Italian colours, images and names to sell fake Italian products with misleading advertising - Italy's agri-food exports would double. From the 62.2 billion euro recorded in 2023, they would reach 126 billion. As a result, the damage caused by Italian Sounding to the food industry is about 63 billion euro. To "Italian Sounding 2024 Report: what it is worth and how to turn it into Made in Italy export" was written by The European House - Ambrosetti and presented at the last Food Forum in Bormio.

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The impact of multinational companies on the Italian economy: the Amazon case

June 3, 2024

The foreign-controlled multinationals are only 0.4% of companies in Italy but are able to generate 713 billion Euro in turnover, 20.3% of the national total, and contribute largely (22.8%) to the total R&D expenses. This is a preview of the data on the impact of foreign-controlled multinationals in Italy that is illustrated in the GAI (Global Attractiveness Index) of The European House - Ambrosetti.

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 May  2024 

TEHA, food & beverage: food prices rise, but consumers look for quality (71.3%)

May 31, 2024

Despite the price increase of more than 10% in a year perceived by over 9 Italians out of 10 (90.8%), customers look for quality first in food purchases (71.3%) and less to the price (58.6%, 7.6 points less than last year) with increasing attention to the origin and certification of products, as well as buying more in local markets and directly from producers. This is what emerges from a research on changes in the habits of Italian consumers carried out by The European House - Ambrosetti, in preparation for the eighth edition of the Forum "The Roadmap of the future for food&beverage", organized in Bormio on June 7 and 8.

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The future of Syracuse's industrial hub

May 23, 2024

Confindustria Siracusa, representing seven large companies located in the industrial hub (Isab Goy Energy , Versalis- Eni, Sonatrach Raffineria Italiana, Sasol Italy, Brown To Green Siciliy, Air Liquide, Buzzi) and in collaboration with The European House - Ambrosetti, has promoted a study aimed at defining a new vision for the hub's decarbonisation and competitiveness.

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Life Sciences, Ambrosetti: Italy ranks 8th in the EU for innovation but the country struggles to retain its researchers

May 23, 2024

A long journey to elaborate scenarios, strategic visions, and analyses for the country and for businesses. This is the path traced in over 50 years of activity by The European House - Ambrosetti, in short TEHA. A journey shared with important institutional representatives and CEOs of the national and international business community, of which we spoke with Valerio De Molli, Managing Partner and CEO of the company

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The value and role of the food chain in Italy

May 22, 2024

Italy is not only the first country in the world for the number of national restaurants in the main world capitals, but also the first food and wine destination in the world. A study promoted by APPLiA Italy (National Association of Manufacturers of Household Appliances) and Efcem Italy, "The Food Chain in Italy: the value and the role for the Made in Italy - The contribution of professional equipment", in collaboration with The European House - Ambrosetti. 

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The European House - Ambrosetti: "The South is the third most attractive region in the Mediterranean"

May 17, 2024

"To be a connector between Europe and the Wider Mediterranean, to help design, interpret, and implement the plan of a protagonist Europe that is a reliable partner of the great geopolitical, economic, and social changes that are influencing the creation of a wider, stronger, just and cohesive Mediterranean society". It is the strategic vision of Southern Italy of the White Paper presented at the "Verso Sud" Forum in Sorrento.

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Federfarma Lombardia, 82% of citizens praises pharmacies' professionalism

May 17, 2024

The role of pharmacies and the future prospects evolution of healthcare in Lombardy were the focus of the event "Towards a full implementation of the pharmacy services. What contribution to the improvement of the quality of life of citizens", realized by Federfarma Lombardia and The European House - Ambrosetti, with the not conditioning contribution of Gsk, Msd, Pfizer and Teva.

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"Energy, the boost of the South. 100 billion of investments"

May 14, 2024

Over one hundred billion euros, almost all from private individuals from the energy sector. These are the investments that will benefit Southern Italy by 2030, not only because of the abundance of sun and wind that supports the growth of renewable energy - highly needed for the sustainable transition - but also its geographical position, now that the center of gravity has moved towards the South. The interview with Nicola Monti, CEO of Edison, who contributed to the White Paper that will be presented at the "Verso Sud" Forum.

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Professionists and AI, TeamSystem: efficiency and better decisions

May 14, 2024

Professionals accept the challenge of artificial intelligence: 70% of offices have been already testing it, with more than 76% that are aware of the transformative role of AI and 80% that have confidence in the quality of the content that is generated by this technology. The scenario was outlined by a study by The European House Ambrosetti in collaboration with TeamSystem.

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Photovoltaic panels at shopping centres, up to 1.1GW generated

May 14, 2024

In view of the ban of photovoltaic panels on agricultural land, the roofs of Italian shopping centres could be put to good use, generating up to 1.1 GW, (3.5% of the current installed photovoltaic systems): this data emerges from a study by the CNCC-Consiglio Nazionale dei Centri Commerciali and The European House - Ambrosetti that mapped the extended value chain of shopping centres in the country.

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Lidl Italia generates 7 billion value added, 0.4% of Italian GDP

May 13, 2024

With revenues of € 6.7 billion in 2022, an annual average growth rate of +9.1%, well above the industry average, a contribution to Italy's GDP of € 7.2 billion, about 0.04% of the country’s GDP, and 22,000 employees of 100 different nationalities in 2024, Lidl Italia keeps growing, with a people-centered approach. The economic and social impact of the company was assessed by the first Italian private think tank, The European House - Ambrosetti. 

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Agribusiness is strategic for the Italian economy: worth 19% of GDP

May 9, 2024

The extended agri-food sector is worth 586.9 billion euros in turnover, 8.4% more than in 2021 and 29% more than in 2015, and generates almost 335 billion euros of added value, equal to 19% of Italian GDP. A supply chain that, in 2022, attracted over 25 billion euros of investment thanks to the work of 3.7 million employees. This is what emerges from the research that will be presented by The European House - Ambrosetti during the 8th edition of the Forum "The Roadmap of the future for food&beverage: what evolutions and what challenges for the coming years" on the agenda in Bormio on 7 and 8 June 2024.

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A Euro-Mediterranean Academy for Talents

May 8, 2024

The proposal of The European House - Ambrosetti at the event "Verso Sud" (Looking Southwards): creating a Euro-Mediterranean Academy involving the Italian universities and the universities of the Mediterranean countries, a great alliance, also with the business world, for boosting the growth of the South.

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Festival del Cambiamento, the great powers challenge each other with AI in the match of the next decades

May 8, 2024

The interweaving of technological innovation and geopolitical complexity that characterize our time was at the center of the second and last day of the Festival del Cambiamento (Festival of Change), in Gorizia. After addressing the topic of the professions of the future on the first day in Trieste, the second day was dedicated to the challenges brought by artificial intelligence for Italy and Western countries.

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Jobs and education, Friuli Venezia Giulia at the top

May 7, 2024

AI is destined to completely alter labour and the Italian Region  Friuli Venezia Giulia is in a good position to ride the wave of change instead of being crushed by it. FVG is the first Italian region for training provided in the company (offered by 58% of the organisations, over one in two), the third Italian region with more graduates in Stem disciplines, and has a low drop-out rate and less young people who do not work and do not study ("Neet").

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New incentives, «record book» and home automation: our homes will become Smart buildings

May 7, 2024

Italy has one of the oldest real estate assets in Europe. To renew them, the European directive on green houses will not be enough, also because - according to TEHA's study - Italy has a very low rate of building renewal, equal to 0.85% per year against 1.7% in France and Germany. TEHA has set up a Community on Smart Buildings, with which has studied for two years the buildings on a national scale and presented in Rome three action proposals. The solution would be to favour smart buildings. 

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The great wave

May 1, 2024

Jobs of the future, demographic transition, economic development, the power of algorithms. Trieste and Gorizia hosted two days of dialogue within the Festival del Cambiamento, organized by the Chamber of Commerce Venezia Giulia and TEHA to encourage innovative proposals and ideas to guide the future of our country.

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 April  2024 

Mental health. More collaboration between institutions, schools, and families

April 23, 2024

Among Generation Z, more than half of the population spends at least an hour a day on social media. Taking into account other screen activities, the average number of hours rises to an average of 7 to 9 per day. In other words, almost every waking hour of teens is devoted in whole or in part to using their devices. This is an alarming trend, emerged from a recent research by "Headway", an initiative created by The European House - Ambrosetti in partnership with Angelini Pharma.

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Geothermal Network's Study: "A strategic resource for Italy"

April 17, 2024

The first strategic study in Italy on the topic "Zero emissions geothermal energy to accelerate decarbonisation and create growth in Italy" was presented in Rome. Promoted by the Geothermal Network with the support of The European House - Ambrosetti, its objective is to estimate the contribution of geothermal energy to the a zero-emission decarbonisation process of the country and the impact of this technology on the Italian economy and local supply chains.

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Confcommercio Forum, the economy grows slowly but better than expected

April 17, 2024

The Italian economy is growing slowly but better than expected. GDP will grow by 0.9% in 2024 and 1.2% in 2025, with a consumption growth rate of respectively +0.9% and +1.1%, while inflation will rise to 1.3% this year and 1.7% in 2025. These are the outcomes of the research "Italy in Europe" presented by Confcommercio at the opening of the International Forum "The protagonists of the market and the scenarios for the 2000s", organized in Rome in collaboration with TEHA.

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Heart and brain, Ambrosetti Meridiano Cardio survey: a quantum leap in clinical management

April 17, 2024

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases (heart attack, stroke and all others involving veins, arteries, heart, and brain) represent one of the major emergencies worldwide. Meridiano Cardio collected a timely dossier, then elaborated a proposal to reorganize patient management and optimize the use of available resources. The investigation, presented in the Senate, was carried out in collaboration with the Parliamentary Intergroup for Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases, with the unconditional support of Amgen, Sanofi, Abbott Medical, W.L.Gore&Associati, and Sandoz. 

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Heart attack, stroke and more, here are the six priorities to overcome the challenge of cardiovascular diseases

April 16, 2024

The experts gathered in the Italian Senate discussed how to deal with cardiovascular diseases. Meridiano Cardio, TEHA's platform for discussion and dialogue on cardio, cerebro and vascular diseases, in collaboration with the Parliamentary Intergroup for cardio diseases, is studying specific indicators to develop at a National Plan targeted for these diseases.

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70% of hydropower plants are old. Security costs 50 billion euros

April 11, 2024

According to a study carried out by The European House Ambrosetti and A2A, the water and hydroelectric sectors would need investments of 48 billion euros in 10 years to develop and return greater benefits to the national energy system. But the concessions in Italy have a "limited" duration of 40 years, so the plant operator does not have enough time to spread the costs of renovations and maintenance over the allotted concession slot.

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What is the future of the European Single Market? The priorities of the European business community

April 9, 2024

A re-development of the Single Market should be the priority of the next European Commission, simplifying the regulatory framework, creating new opportunities to finance large projects of European public interest through the Market, and balancing risk prevention with the drive for innovation and competitiveness. The evolution of the Single Market will be crucial to ensure the sustainability of the European economy in the current context of overlapping global crises, economic competition, and geopolitical tensions. These are the main findings of the Report "The future of the EU Single Market", presented by TEHA in Cernobbio.

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Pnrr, debates at the Ambrosetti Workshop

April 6, 2024

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan was one of the main topics at the Cernobbio Workshop. 2024 will be a crucial year for the implementation of the Plan, but the majority of entrepreneurs complain about issues in accessing tenders. The Undersecretary Fermi: over 200 billion euros have been spent through incentives on building renovations, more than the PNRR's resources.

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The Outlook for the Economy and Finance, Cernobbio 2024: "conflicts have a low impact on businesses"

April 5, 2024

Asked about the effects of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine on the company’s business, the participants of the Workshop "The Outlook for the Economy and Finance" said that it has had a reduced impact (49.3%). Only 7.3% (down from 10.9% in 2023) of participants declared a very serious impact. The survey also analysed the influence of the war between Israel and Hamas on the businessess: more than half of the participants (62.2%) declared a reduced impact on their activities.

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The society is turning cashless but Italy still has a long way to go

April 4, 2024

Despite the progress that has been made in recent years - cashless transactions in Italy have reached 400 billion at the end of 2022, with a prospective growth to 450 billion by the end of 2023 - Italy remains one of the 30 worst economies in terms of the incidence of cash on the national GDP (Cash Intensity Index), as evidenced by the Report "Towards a Cashless Italy, cases of use and role of citizens, businesses, and merchants" by the Cashless Society Community of The European House - Ambrosetti.

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 March  2024 

A National Plan for heart, brain and vascular pathologies

March 28, 2024

Italy's Ministry of Health, regional institutions, the Italian Higher Institute of Health, and the main scientific societies of the world cardio, cerebro and vascular - ANMCO, GISE, SIC and SICVE - are brought together to discuss the need of a National Plan for heart, brain, and vascular diseases by Meridiano Cardio, the thematic platform of The European House - Ambrosetti, which proposed to the Ministry of Health the creation of a working group for the development of a National Plan.

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2024 White Book: too much waste of water, an Italy of two halves

March 22, 2024

The 2024 Blue Book of the Utilitatis Foundation, prepared with the collaboration of The European House - Ambrosetti, draws a picture of the Italian water service, showing the waste of the resource, and infrastructure and investment gaps between the North and the South. The 2024 White Paper of the "Value of Water for Italy" Community shows that the extended water supply chain generates value for 367.5 billion euros, equal to 19 percent of the entire national GDP, up 8.7 percent compared to 2021.

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Bianco: «Sustainability must become social»

March 20, 2024

«Our position paper overturns a paradigm that is usually focused on the economic point of view, but actually involves all the social factors, bringing together healthcare, environmental governance, research, and innovation», said Daniela Bianco, Partner and Head of The European House - Ambrosetti's Healthcare Practice, during the press conference entitled "Health and Sustainability: strategic combination for the Country System", held at the Italian Senate, sponsored by Senator Liris, with the support of Ucb Pharma. 

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Proactive before the challenges

March 19, 2024

The data on Sicily shared in Catania, at the meeting of TEHA's Verso Sud initiative: Sicily records good growth after the Covid19. Blue Economy, renewable energy, and agrifood are the driving sectors on which the private sector is focused. Tamajo: «We are ready for a new way of doing business that is also sustainable»

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Green Homes, in Italy 81% of buildings are over thirty years old: "We need incentives on home automation and smart buildings, and a property book to give them more value"

March 16, 2024

The adoption of the European Directive on Green Homes has generated a debate within the construction industry, with a common thought: a renewal of the Italian real estate is much needed, and the European Directive will have to require a strong public support. Benedetta Brioschi (TEHA): "If we intervened on 20% of the buildings, we would reduce our expenditure on thermal and electrical consumption, that is 47 billion a year".

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Offshore wind power, Italy is lagging behind

March 12, 2024

Italy has about 8,300 km of coastline, but there are only 10 operative offshore wind turbines: they were installed in front of the port of Taranto after a 14-year long authorization process. A drop in the sea of renewable energy that the country could derive from this technology, even if only focusing on floating systems: those not rooted on the seabed, but composed of a floating structure, moored to the seabed by means of an anchoring system and cables, which minimizes their environmental impact. A technology supported by the Floating offshore wind community, a project created by The European House - Ambrosetti together with Renantis, BlueFloat Energy, Fincantieri, and Acciaierie d'Italia 

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More competitive companies and services without polluting, it is not a dream

March 12, 2024

A study by The European House - Ambrosetti in collaboration with Edison Next estimates a reduction in emissions of 28 million tons of CO2 and an economic benefit of 5.5 billion euros by 2030. It will be possible thanks to partnerships with integrated energy operators, combined with a long-term investment plan based on a wide mix of technologies, that would be able to ensure the achievement of the 2030 decarbonisation targets in Italy for industry and services.

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«Cash pollution»: in Italy 2.7 kg of CO2 per inhabitant are generated by cash payments (2nd in Europe after Germany)

March 12, 2024

Cashless payments contribute to the ecological transition: Italy ranks second in Europe, after Germany, for the total CO2 emissions generated by cash payments, with over 160.8 thousand tons of CO2, about 2.7 kg per inhabitant. According to The European House - Ambrosetti's estimates elaborated through a survey to shopkeepers conducted by the Cashless Society Community, cashless payments have a carbon footprint that is 21% lower than cash.

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Russia and the Middle East. A perfect storm

March 7, 2024

"Because of a war in the Middle East, for the first time an American president may not be re-elected," explains Federico Rampini, Scientific Director of the Forum "Open Dialogues for the Future", adding that when there is storm in the world, that is the right time to try to understand geopolitical drivers of change.

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 February  2024 

Act tank Sicily: "Sicily's GDP per capita is among the lowest in Italy, but high-tech export is at the top"

February 27, 2024

The Forum of the second edition of the Act Tank Sicilia of The European House - Ambrosetti showed Sicily's strenghts and weaknesses. The event, hosted at Marina Yatching in Palermo, was also an opportunity to illustrate the 1.2 billion plan developed by the Schifani Government to stop industrial decline. The key topics were innovation and attracting investments.

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Digital Divide in Liguria, only 30 Municipalities out of 300 have access to fiber-optic Internet connection

February 26, 2024

Out of 198 Municipalities that should have been equipped with fiber-optic Internet connection in Liguria, only 36 are ready to go. 63 have already closed the construction site, but the network is still not operational, while in about 100 municipalities the work is in progress or has yet to start. The remarks by Lorenzo Tavazzi, Senior Partner of The European House - Ambrosetti.

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Healthcare, De Molli (Ambrosetti): "More resources for Italian healthcare, +11.5 billions over the next 3 years

February 21, 2024

"For the first time there has been a boost of resources dedicated to Italy's National Healthcare System. There will be 11.5 billion more in the next three years and an additional 2.4 billion to be used to adjust salaries and contracts of new hires". This was said by Valerio De Molli, managing partner and CEO of The European House - Ambrosetti speaking at the "Inventing for Life Health Summit".

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For Italians, investiments in healthcare take priority over jobs

February 21, 2024

"The Life Sciences industry represents a highly strategic sector for Italy, thanks to high multipliers of economic activity and social impact, a strong propensity to invest in research and production, quality human capital", highlighted Valerio De Molli, Managing Partner and CEO of The European House - Ambrosetti at the sixth edition of the "Inventing for Life Health Summit", dedicated to the theme 'Investing for Life: Health counts!', organized by MSD Italy.

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Digital, Ambrosetti: "The sectors needs new technologies and sustainable materials"

February 15, 2024

How do you implement the Twin Transition in companies, that is, the synergistic development of solutions that promote both the green and the digital transition? What technologies, processes and strategies should companies adopt to reduce their environmental impact without compromising their economic performance? The Strategic Report "Digital tools for a sustainable profit: the Twin Transition of companies and digital solutions to support sustainability and circularity" was produced by The European House - Ambrosetti in partnership with Avvale.

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64% of Italians don't know what Smart Buildings are

February 15, 2024

The latest survey of the Smart Building Community of The European House- Ambrosetti certifies the lack of knowledge among Italians on technologies designed to make more efficient, anti-theft and comfortable homes. They prefer savings to investments, and fear the high costs and excessive bureaucracy related to house renovations.

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Corporate Wellbeing, a greater value for workers

February 12, 2024

With 2,500 euros invested in the workers' wellbeing, a company may generate benefits up to 4.5 times more. The study, which analysed the impact of corporate wellbeing strategies on Italian companies - «A new vision of corporate wellbeing: a value for the remuneration strategy, a fundamental lever of attraction and engagement»  - was written by The European House - Ambrosetti, in collaboration with Jointly (consulting company that offers corporate wellbeing solutions).

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More than 700 inmates have jobs at the Bollate prison

February 9, 2024

The theme of work has always been pivotal at the prison of Bollate (Milan). Currently, 174 prisoners work inside the second penitentiary institute in Milan. Hired by private companies, over 350 are engaged within the prison and 211 outside of it. This has been the topic of a conference, "Public-Private Partnership: the positive impact for communities and companies", realized in collaboration with The European House - Ambrosetti.

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Manufacturing and services: a delayed transition

February 5, 2024

How are Italian manufacturing, energy-intensive and tertiary companies addressing climate change and the consequences of the energy crisis? Are they really aware of the EU targets? Do they know the benefits of the energy transition and the opportunities offered by the technological solutions that are currently available on the market? These questions have been answered by The European House - Ambrosetti (TEHA) in a study, "The role of integrated energy solutions for the competitiveness of Italian companies", realized in collaboration with Edison Next.

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Offshore wind, Italy can aspire to an industrial leadership position

February 2, 2024

Thanks to its efficiency and minimization of environmental impacts, the floating offshore wind technology could have very positive effects on the territory, contribute to the economy and employment, creating value for host communities, including through long-term compensation: these are the results of the Strategic Study of the Floating Offshore Wind Community, an initiative of The European House - Ambrosetti in collaboration with Renantis, BlueFloat Energy, Fincantieri, and Acciaierie d'Italia.

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Open dialogues returns to Udine to discuss future global scenarios

February 2, 2024

Geopolitical and geoeconomic scenarios and their global impacts, with a focus on the role of Europe, the Atlantic region, and Youth Leadership: these are the topics of the 2nd edition of "Open dialogues for the future", the forum realised by the Chamber of Commerce of Pordenone-Udine in collaboration with The European House - Ambrosetti, which will be held in Udine on March 7 and 8, 2024.

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 January  2024 

Edison Next, 2030 forecast: a decrease of 28 million tonnes of CO2

January 31, 2024

The Study "The role of integrated energy solutions for the competitiveness of Italian companies" by The European House - Ambrosetti in collaboration with Edison Next, achieved with the contribution and participation of important stakeholders in the energy sector and the business world, shows how the partnership with integrated energy operators, together with a long-term investment plan based on a wide mix of technologies, could ensure the achievement of the 2030 decarbonisation targets in Italy for industry and service companies.

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The turnover of the nautical field grows in Genoa

January 29, 2024

The turnover of the great yatch sector has reached 558 million euros in 2023 in Genoa, Italy. The estimate is quantified in a study elaborated by TEHA for "Genoa for yachting", the association that groups 60 companies operating in the nautical field - services, marine, yards, technologies and professional studies (lawyers and specialized accountants).

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Arona, De Molli (TEHA): «Italy must be optimistic»

January 22, 2024

TEHA's CEO has spoken about the challenges of the Italian and international economy at the conference "Perspectives of Italian and Global Economy" (organized by the association Volarte Italia), in front of an audience of high school students of the Enrico Fermi Institute of Arona (Novara, Piedmont).

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Where are the WEEE going?

January 20, 2024

Lorenzo Tavazzi, Partner of The European House - Ambrosetti, comments on some evidence from a study on critical raw materials carried out for Erion, which estimates the savings in import quotas if Italy could collect the Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) as the European top performers. 

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Private Labels keep growing: +1.2% market share

January 15, 2024

Convenience brings consumers to prioritize the modern distribution’s offer over industrial labels: in one year the growth in value was 15.4% and the turnover reached 13.5 billion euro. The data of the study of The European House - Ambrosetti carried out for ADM and presented at the opening conference of Marca byBolognafiere 2024.

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Private Label's saving effect on Italian spending

January 10, 2024

In 2023, Private Labels grew remarkably, with a total turnover of 25.4 billion euro, a record number that is worth 31.5% of the entire turnover of Italy's Modern Distribution market, including discount stores. The data emerges from an analysis carried out by TEHA for the inaugural conference of the industry fair, MarcabyBolognafiere 2024.

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Protecting the environment to live healthily

January 8, 2024

Italy's National Health Service can and must contribute with a responsible management to environmental sustainability. These are the conclusions that emerged at the end of the Statement of Responsibility "Innovation, health and sustainability in the field of diabetes", realized by The European House - Ambrosetti with the contribution of Novo Nordisk and presented in Rome at the Institute "Luigi Sturzo".

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From Gucci to Brioni and Valentino: Kering, Italian fashion is worth half of global revenue

January 7, 2024

Revenues of 11.6 billion euros confirm Kering’s leading position in the luxury sector in Italy. The data comes from the first study conducted by an international group in the luxury sector in Italy, carried out in collaboration with TEHA, which evaluates the value added generated by Kering on the Italian territory and addresses key aspects such as production, and investment in skills, and training.

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