Since 2015, The European House-Ambrosetti has acquired a solid experience in working with Iran and a deep knowledge of its unique and dynamic business environment: this experience has allowed the construction of an Italian-Iranian bilateral platform, with activities organised according to the international context.
In 2019, we started to develop relations with Caucasian and Central Asian countries, which are strongly involved in the Belt&Road Initiative, a Chinese project that we analyse and deepen in our annual Belt&Road Summit.
With more than 150 million inhabitants, including Iran, the Central Asia and Caucasus region is experiencing rapid industrial growth driven by the transition from oil and gas revenues and the need to open domestic markets to international investors and attract FDIs. This context will inevitably bring several business opportunities in the future for Italian companies.
The aim of the Eurasia-Italy Community, established in 2020 on the basis of the similar Italian-Iranian community thanks to the involvement of countries such as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, is to offer a privileged observatory and professional services to those companies that want to develop economic ties and deepen investment opportunities with Central Asian countries.
Among the activities envisaged in the programme are Round Tables and Digital Workshops on topics of primary interest for Italian companies, and bilateral Summits between Italy and the target countries, such as the Italy-Uzbekistan Business Forum held virtually in December 2020.
For further information
Mr. Filippo Malinverno, Project Coordinator - Russia, CIS & Middle East, filippo.malinverno@ambrosetti.eu, Tel. +39 02 46753.627
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