6th Food&Beverage Forum
The 6th Forum took place in Bormio, on Friday 17 and Saturday 18 June 2022: an event of the highest level with round tables and stimulating meetings among the business leaders of the sector and the Institutions of reference, to reflect on the strategic role of the agri-food chain for the recovery of the country and underline the importance of these key elements: nutrition, health, sport, and sustainability of the supply chain.
During the event, we presented the Food Report realised by The European House - Ambrosetti, "The roadmap of the future for food & beverage: what evolutions and what challenges for the coming years". In addition, two new researches elaborated by The European House - Ambrosetti, in collaboration with some Partners, were also be presented:
"Italian Sounding: what is it worth and what are the opportunities for Italian agri-food companies", which defines the value of Italian Sounding agribusiness in the world with an innovative methodology, quantifies the negative externalities generated by the phenomenon for Italian companies, and submits some proposals for action for the Italian agri-food industry and the related institutions, with the aim of responding to the "desire for Italy" in the world (in collaboration with Assocamerestero).
"The challenge of sustainability for the Italian agri-food chain", which assesses the issues underlying a true sustainable transition of the Italian agri-food chain, starting from the need for widespread legality at all levels of the supply chain; it also explores the correct measurement of the phenomenon, the importance of food education, the contribution of technological evolution, and the stimulating role of finance (in collaboration with Coca Cola HBC, Schneider Electric, Nestlé/Levissima and Antares).
Press Kit
- Press release - 6th Food & Beverage Forum in Bormio
- Press release - Italian Sounding is the major enemy of agri-food's Made in Italy
- Press release - Made in Italy is conquering Philippines
- Press release - Agri-food: difficulties in the future
- Press release - Export and health at the centre of the Food&Beverage Forum
- Speech by Ariel T. Cayanan (Philippines Govt) - Forum Food 2022
Press conference - April 28, 2022
Part 1
Part 2
About the Food&Beverage Community
The Community’s activity consists of a series of round tables and meetings that develop information, scenarios and documents, and which culminates in a forum in which observations about the sector and concrete proposals are shared with relevant policy makers.
Under the aegis of The European House - Ambrosetti's Ambrosetti Club - the platform that brings together over 400 CEOs of Italian companies and multinationals operating in Italy - the Food&Beverage Community was created with the goal of studying and sharing key issues and experiences pertaining to companies in the agrifood supply chain.