April 1 and 2, 2022 33rd edition
The Outlook for the Economy and Finance 2022

Read the informational note
Documentation and Speaking Points from the Workshop
- Infographic - The figures of 2022 Finance Workshop
- Our Modern World: Stupidly Cocksure or Plagued by Doubt - Opening Speech by Valerio De Molli
- Lettera Club no. 121 - Towards a Cashless Italy: opportunities offered by the NRRP and innovative trends in the payments sector
- Speech by Isabel Schnabel, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB
Papers and studies
- Ambrosetti Club Economic Indicator - April 2022
- 2022 Report - Towards a Cashless Italy: opportunities offered by the NRRP and innovative trends (Executive Summary)
- Common Foreign Policy and Defence for Europe: challenges and opportunities for Italy and the European Union
- Obervatory on NRRP - 2022
- Economic forecast - Finance 2022
Electronic Poll Results
- Forum 2022 - Electronic poll results: World Economy
- Forum 2022 - Electronic poll results: Investment Risks
- Forum 2022 - Electronic poll results: Sustainable Investing
- Forum 2022 - Electronic poll results: The Agenda for Europe - Competitiveness and Growth of Europe
- Forum 2022 - Electronic poll results: The Agenda for Europe - Macroeconomic and Structural Policy Challenges
- Forum 2022 - Electronic poll results: The Agenda for Italy
National and International Press Review
- Bloomberg - El-Erian: Fed Can Choose Between One of Two Mistakes
- Bloomberg - Fed to ‘Frontload’ 50 Basis Point Hikes: Economist Zentner
- Bloomberg - ECB Policy Normalization Still Appropriate, Schnabel Says
- Bloomberg - Laurence Boone: The world is underestimating the impact of war
- Bloomberg - ECB Could Raise Rates as Early as September, Knot Says
- Bloomberg - Banks Fully Committed to Russian Sanctions: McGuinness
- Class CNBC - Workshop Ambrosetti: Tra guerra e rischio stagflazione, lo scenario economico globale
- Class CNBC - Workshop Ambrosetti: Oltre la guerra, l'agenda strategica per l'Europa e per l'Italia
- Class CNBC - Cernobbio, Cottarelli: "Rischio recessione se la guerra va avanti"
- Class CNBC - Nuovo record dell'inflazione in Ue, +7,5% a marzo. Cresce probabilità aumento tassi ad aprile
- CNBC - Ambrosetti’s De Molli: Merkel decisions on Russia now seem naive and very wrong
- CNBC - Valerio De Molli: ‘No one would’ve expected’ Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, says consultancy
- CNBC - Italy’s Todde: We need to quickly wean ourselves off Russian energy
- CNBC - Stefano Pontecorvo: It’s ‘natural’ for NATO to have an anti-Russian bias, says former diplomat
- CNBC - EU economic integration strategy for Eastern Europe ‘has failed’: Heiner Flassbeck
- CNBC - Richard C. Koo: Economist says Fed will have to ‘run a little faster’ to control inflation
- CNBC - Mario Monti: U.S. and Europe were ‘naive’ for not predicting the change in Putin, says former Italian PM
- CNBC - Italy’s Cottarelli: Country unfortunately ‘subsidizing dirty energy’ in short term
- Il Sole 24 Ore - I germogli della ripresa messi in pericolo dalla guerra russo-ucraina
- Il Sole 24Ore - Nel paradigma "Open" il futuro del credito
- La Stampa - El-Erian: “L’inflazione è una minaccia concreta se la Fed non agisce perde credibilità”
- Rai News - Gentiloni: "L'Ue prosegua sulla linea dell'unità, non deve farsi influenzare da ricatti o ultimatum"
- Repubblica - Guerra in Ucraina e frenata dell'economia, al summit Ambrosetti le élite sperano che passi la tempesta
- Repubblica - PIL, Ambrosetti: stime crescita 2022 riviste al ribasso
- Piazza Affari TGR - War and Growth. Interview to Carlo Cottarelli
A commentary on the 33rd edition by Valerio De Molli, Managing Partner & CEO, The European House - Ambrosetti
Press Corner with Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for Economics
Isabel Schnabel - Board Member, European Central Bank
The Outlook for the Economy and Finance is the workshop held every year in the spring at Villa d’Este in Cernobbio. After its September Forum, this is the most prestigious event organized by The European House-Ambrosetti and its scope is to examine and explain economic and financial scenarios—the current situation, new trends and prospects for the future, both conjunctural and structural, and potential areas of crisis—in Italy, Europe and the world.