Risorsa Mare Forum
Palermo, September 25-26, 2024
The 2nd edition of the "Risorsa Mare" International Forum was held in Palermo (Sicily, Italy) on September 25-26, 2024, organised by The European House – Ambrosetti in collaboration with the Italian Minister for Civil Protection and Maritime Policies Nello Musumeci and under the patronage of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and the support of important companies and Institutions: Fincantieri, Gruppo MSC, Assarmatori, Caronte&Tourist, Marinedì, Confitarma, Ignazio Messina & C., GNV, Assonautica – Ossermare, Autorità di sistema portuale del Mare di Sicilia Occidentale, West Sicily Gate, RINA, Condorelli.
- the perception of the sea
- higher education ecosystems and Nautical Institutes: the sea needs skills
- the Italian sea industry
- the fishing supply chain today, between challenges of growth and sustainability
- nautics sports and sea tourism
- Minor Islands
- maritime industry and ports
- environment and marine protected areas
- Italy at the top of underwater dimension
- Presentation by Cetti Lauteta, TEHA
- Presentation by Maria Elena Martinotti, CNR
- Presentation by Erik Jakobsen, Menon Economics
- Presentation by Valerio De Molli, TEHA
- Presentation byJamie McMichael-Phillips, The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project
- Presentation by Panagiotis Paschalakis, Safe Water Sports
- Presentation by Giampiero Sammuri, Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano
- Presentation by Nayef Al Fayez - Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority – ASEZA (Jordan)
- Presentation by Francesco Di Sarcina, Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare della Sicilia Orientale
- Presentation by Vito Lacerenza, Italian Navy
The "Risorsa Mare" Forum
In 2023, TEHA in collaboration with the Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies, Nello Musumeci, and under the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, launched a spinoff initiative of the "Verso Sud" platform, aimed at drawing attention on the sea as an inestimable resource.
"Risorsa Mare" focuses on the competitiveness and attractiveness of the whole maritime supply chain, aggregating the different components of the national and European socio-economic political system around the priorities of intervention and promotion for the sector, especially from an industrial perspective: maritime security and the Mediterranean Sea, fisheries and underwater dimension, transportation and cruising, ports, environment and smaller islands, training, sports and nautics.
To this end, the initiative is conceived to be recurrent (being held every year) and itinerant (taking place in a different Italian port city each time). The first edition took place on September 14 and 15, 2023 in Trieste, chief town of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, in the north-east of the Italian peninsula.
SDGs Evaluation statement
The second edition of the Sea Resource Forum obtained from RINA the SDGs Evaluation statement for the pursuit of four Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the UN 2030 Agenda. (6, 13, 14, and 17).
Through the development of its own verification methodology, RINA measured the contribution of policies, strategies, and activities adopted by TEHA Group in managing the content, programme and operational organisation of the ‘2024 Risorsa Mare Forum’ against the selected Goals of the 2030 Agenda.
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