September 3-4-5, 2021 47th edition
Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy 2021

Its international scope is the most significant aspect of the Forum The European House-Ambrosetti organizes each year in September at Villa d’Este in Cernobbio. The event, held each year since 1975, is entitled Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy and brings together an array of speakers of the highest level from the world of politics, academia, government and business, from across the globe.
Speaking points from the Forum
- Opening Remarks by Valerio De Molli - Using only half of our people’s energy and talent is not a good idea: women’s empowerment
- Opening Remarks by Valerio De Molli - Presentation
- Facts and figures of the 47th edition
- Message of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin
- Message from the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella
Studies and Position Papers
- Ambrosetti Club Economic Indicator - Italy's successes spans between Sports and Economy. A Record Summer
- Lettera Club Europe n. 11 - The conference on the future of Europe: an open and inclusive platform for rethinking the EU and building the Union of tomorrow
- The impact of the Covid-19 emergency on the Italian economic scenario
- Some Economic Forecasts: A Comparative Analysis
- Digitalization and Sustainability for Italy’s Recovery - Study in collaboration with Microsoft Italia
- From Nimby to Pimby. The Circular economy as the driver for the ecological and sustainable transition of Italy and its regions - realized in collaboration with A2A
- From Nimby to Pimby. The Circular economy as the driver for the ecological and sustainable transition of Italy and its regions - Presentation
- Next Generation EU Observatory Release 2.0: A (potential) leverage for relauncing the Nation
- The historic turnaround of Greece and Portugal in the wake of the 2008 crisis
- European Governance of the Energy Transition - Study in collaboration with Enel and with the scientific contribution of the Enel Foundation
- European Governance of the Energy Transition - Presentation
- G20 Business Advisory Board on Women's Empowerment
- Proposals for a nation that seeks equity and equal opportunities for women in the labor market
- The Women's Empowerment Manifesto
- G20 Advisory Board for the Italian Presidency
- The Data Economy in Italy and the role of the Cloud for the Digital Transition - study commissioned by TIM
- Reshaping Italy. Governance proposals to change the country
- Reshaping Italy. Governance proposals to change the country - Presentation
- Global Attractiveness Index 2021
- The impacts of the urban regeneration of the former Falck areas and the creation of value for the Country-System - Executive Summary
- The impacts of the urban regeneration of the former Falck areas and the creation of value for the Country-System - Presentation
Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy
An annual event of international scope and prestige. Heads of state and government, top representatives of European institutions, ministers, Nobel prize winners, businessmen, managers and experts from around the world have been meeting every year since 1975 to discuss current issues of major impact for the world economy and society as a whole.