September 6-7-8, 2013 39th edition
Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy 2013

Its international scope is the most significant aspect of the Forum The European House-Ambrosetti organizes each year in September at Villa d’Este in Cernobbio. The event, held each year since 1975, is entitled Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy and brings together an array of speakers of the highest level from the world of politics, academia, government and business, from across the globe.
Speaking points from the Forum
- Message of the President of Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano to the participants of the 39th edition of our workshop (it.)
- Speaking points of Vice President Tajani – Restoring Europe’s competitiveness and growth
- Paper. Challenges and Priorities for Europe. European Best Performers in Times of Crisis (ingl.)
- Valerio De Molli. ‘A way out does exist!’
- Lettera Club n. 52. Le priorità per il rilancio della manifattura europea
- Press Release
- Program
Papers and Studies
- Excellence of the plastics supply chain in relaunching manufacturing in Italy and Europe. Part I
- Excellence of the plastics supply chain in relaunching manufacturing in Italy and Europe. Part II
- Excellence of the plastics supply chain in relaunching manufacturing in Italy and Europe. Research concept chart
- Excellence of the plastics supply chain in relaunching manufacturing in Italy and Europe Executive Summary
- The State, Citizens and Enterprises in the digital era
- The State, Citizens and Enterprises in the digital era. Research concept chart
- The State, Citizens and Enterprises in the digital era. Executive Summary