From international and national media, all the articles and interviews dedicated to the 43rd edition of the Forum “Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy”.
CNBC Europe – Interviews
- Valerio De Molli: ‘Extreme’ tensions in electorate are ‘the nature of politics nowadays’
- Valerio De Molli: Reform will be driven by ‘emerging, new, young spirits’
- Ernst Moniz: World has become a more dangerous place
- Ernst Moniz – Russia is optimistic on growth but still ‘far from where we want to be,’ former deputy PM says
- Jean Claude Trichet: Have to be conscious of accommodative monetary policy effect
- Jean Claude Trichet: US dollar weakness reason for euro rally
- Adair Turner: Brexit negotiators ‘wrapped up in peripheral issues’
- Adair Turner: Old economic models ‘don’t seem to be working anymore’
- Fan Gang: Chinese economic story ‘getting better’
- Jacob Frenkel: Protectionism ‘damaging to jobs’
- Jacob Frenkel: Must move from crisis mindset to growth mindset
- Jacob Frenkel: JPMorgan’s Frenkel ‘very worried’ about a protectionist world, says China ties need nurturing
- Laura D’Andrea Tyson: ‘A lot of uncertainty’ over policy making in Congress
- Laura D’Andrea Tyson: A lot of optimism for the medium-term outlook
- HRH Prince Turki Al Faisal: UN is still trying to tackle the world’s problems as if it were 1945
- HRH Prince Turki Al Faisal: Iran not a welcoming environment for businesses
- HRH Prince Turki Al Faisal: We’re still dealing with the world today as it was in 1945
- Philippe Donnet: Short-term lack of popularity in Macron ‘doesn’t matter’
- Philippe Donnet: ‘There is no future out of Europe’ for Italy
- Jeroen Dijsselbloem: Chief euro zone finance minister says he wants to stay on until mid-January
- Jeroen Dijsselbloem: Brexit is costing too much time, top EU official warns
- Jeroen Dijsselbloem: Trump team is becoming ‘more realistic and sensible’
- Arkady Dvorkovich: US sanctions are more harmful to Europe than Russia
- Francesco Starace: Energy storage cost efficiency to come over next 5-10 years
- Francesco Starace: Electricity integration vital to electrify Europe
- Francesco Starace: Seeing a pickup of demand in Spain and Italy
- Bruno Le Maire: We need a more integrated Europe
- Bruno Le Maire: Large majority of French people want reform
- Bruno Le Maire: ‘I deeply regret the decision taken by the British people’
- Geert Wilders: ‘Our people are being replaced by Islam’
- Geert Wilders: Dutch populist leader says EU free movement to blame for terror attacks
- Jean Pierre Mustier: ‘Extremely important’ for ECB to continue supporting economy
- Jean Pierre Mustier: Improvement of credit risk in Italy and other countries
- Margrethe Vestager: Google still a ‘wonderful’ company, says EU’s top antitrust enforcer after $2.7 billion fine – Interviews
- EU’s Vestager Says Google Must Stoke Search Choice
- EU Says Google `Can’t Misuse Its Dominant Position’
- EU’s Moscovici on Deadlocked Brexit Talks
- Italian Banks Have Overcome ‘Systemic Risk,’ Finance Elites Say
- Italy’s Padoan Comments on Terms of Paschi Exit Plan
- Populist Hopeful Shunned by Italian Elite on Shores of Lake Como
- UniCredit CEO Sees `a Lot of Potential in Turkey’
- Exit From Paschi Driven by Industrial Perspective, Padoan Says
- Risk of Nuclear Arms Use Highest Since Cuban Crisis, Moniz Says
- EU Drafting Rules to Protect Technology From Foreign Takeovers
- ‘First Things First’ on Brexit Trade Step, EU’s Moscovici Says
- Ball Is in Qatar’s Court to End Gulf Standoff, Saudi Prince Turki Says
- Enrico Letta Says EU Could Have Industrial Relaunch
- Gurria Says Brexit Negotiation Problems Were Predictable
- JPMorgan’s Frenkel Says ECB Faces Significant Challenge
- JPMorgan’s Frenkel Says Fed Should Raise Rates
- Mario Monti Says EU Lacks Some Fiscal Infrastructure
- Saudi Prince Turki Al-Faisal Says Qatar Admits to Terror
- Trichet Says Structural Reforms in Europe Long Overdue
- Du lac de Côme au lac Léman, Le Maire est saisi du démon de la bougeotte
- L’Italie veut toujours les 51% de STX France
- Bruno Le Maire annoncera les privatisations “dans quelques semaines”
- Fincantieri-STX: Le Maire se dit confiant
- Italie: les dirigeants confiants sur la reprise économique
- Rome et Paris en “négociations techniques” sur Fincantieri-STX
- «Aprire i mercati rispettando standard etici»
- «La ripresa c’è, ora dobbiamo sostenerla. Ritardo scandaloso sui giovani»
- Moscovici: serve un superministro per l’euro
- Gentiloni, l’ottimismo e lo scandalo: quelle «asimmetrie» italiane
- Padoan, ripresa «strutturale» che serve ai mercati
- Trichet: nessun timore dalla riduzione del Qe, ma l’Europa deve muoversi
- A Cernobbio tutti fiduciosi (ma non troppo) su Italia ed Europa
- Gentiloni: legge di stabilità per accompagnare crescita e lavoro
- Lavoro e produttività zavorre per l’«attrattività»: Italia 16esima nella classifica internazionale
- Le Maire: serve un Ministro delle Finanze UE. L’11/9 a Roma per un compromesso su fincantieri-stx
- Imprenditori ottimisti sul 2017: fatturato in crescita e investimenti in ripresa
- Crescita buona ma non a livelli UE
- Quei toni diversi sull’Unione Europea
- A Cernobbio Dijsselbloem, presidente dell’Eurogruppo: i problemi delle banche non diventino debito pubblico
- «Mai così tante pressioni in Europa come dai lobbisti di Google»
- Cernobbio, Gentiloni: «Alle spalle crisi più dura del dopoguerra
- Gentiloni: «non prometto miracoli, i miracoli li fanno gli italiani»
- Gentiloni: conti in equilibrio ma senza uccidere la crescita
- Le code nel traffico? ci costano tra i 5 e i 7 miliardi l’anno
- Timmermans: «ora campi ONU per rifugiati in Libia. Poi canali legali per entrare nell’UE»
- Il (lento) recupero della giustizia civile
- Enel: 300 milioni per l’auto elettrica. Open Fiber, allo studio un finanziamento da 3 miliardi
- Le code costano quasi mezzo punto di PIL
- Robot taglia posti
- Europa in crisi? Ricordiamoci i traguardi
La Repubblica
- Ragazzi, non tornate
- Italia, la mobilità elettrica vale 300 mld
- Lo studio FS-Ambrosetti: “Con un trasporto pubblico più efficiente risparmi per 12 miliardi di euro
- Gentiloni: abbiamo alle spalle la crisi più dura del dopoguerra
- Robot e industria 4.0, la sfida della nuova occupazione
- Il grande ingorgo delle città
- Auto elettriche, un mercato in espansione
- Occupazione, Boccia rilancia su misure “shock” per i giovani
- Attenti ai robot: in Italia a rischio 3 milioni di posti
- Jean Pierre Mustier: la crisi tra Roma e Parigi su Stx troverà una soluzione europea
- Enel: 300 milioni nell’auto elettrica
- Attenti ai robot. In Italia a rischio 3 milioni di posti
Libero Quotidiano

Silvia Lovati
Associate Partner; Head of TEHA Club