From international and national media, all the articles and interviews dedicated to the 46th edition of the Forum “Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy”.
CNBC Europe – Interviews
- Valerio De Molli – Coronavirus pandemic has created greater political stability in Italy, Ambrosetti chief says
- Luigi Di Maio – Italian foreign minister says pandemic has reinforced our friendship with U.S., despite ties with China
- Paolo Gentiloni – Tech giants are ‘the real winners’ of the coronavirus crisis: European Commissioner
- John Bolton – Trump’s response to virus lacks philosophy and strategy, former admin official Bolton says
- Enrico Letta – ‘It is the last chance’ for Italy to reform its economy, former prime minister says
- Carlo Cottarelli – Europe’s massive stimulus plan will push Italy to reform, former IMF director says
- Klaus Regling – The coronavirus crisis is unlike any other, European official says
- Mauro Ferrari – We need to provide healthcare globally in a fair fashion, CEO says
- Peter Brabeck-Letmathe – Companies can’t be successful in long-term if they only maximize shareholder value: Nestle’s Chairman Emeritus
- Marco Alverà – Global ‘race is on’ for hydrogen agenda, SNAM CEO says
- Corrado Passera – Room for more consolidation in Italian banking sector, says Illimity Bank CEO
- Yan Li – People are looking for individual mobility devices because of the pandemic, CEO says
- Italy’s foreign minister claims country has ‘worked well’ with U.S. despite tariff dispute
Class CNBC – Interviste
- Valerio De Molli – Al via il Forum The European House – Ambrosetti
- Enrico Letta – L’Italia deve ricorrere al Mes
- Luigi Di Maio – È giunto il momento per l’Italia di modernizzarsi
- Luigi Di Maio – La posizione geopolitica dell’Italia
- Carlo Cottarelli – Come far ripartire l’Italia
- Fabiola Gianotti – Forum Ambrosetti, ripartire dalla scienza
- Marco Alverà – Idrogeno è motore del futuro
- Paolo Gentiloni – Recovery Fund: passo decisivo per future generazioni
- Mauro Ferrari – Corsa al vaccino anti covid
- Roberto Maroni – Ecco le riforme per far ripartire l’Italia
- Matteo Salvini – Francesi benvenuti in rete unica se hanno piano industriale
Il Sole 24 Ore
- Hydrogen, a national supply chain to decarbonize Italy
- Eurozone, in 2020 the crisis will cause GDP to drop by 8.7%
- US-China technology war, the post-COVID risk
- Investment slowed by bureaucrats, Italy behind in renewables
- Manufacturing sector down 21%, 10.8% collapse in 2020 GDP
- Lessons of France, government delays
- Circular economy moves 29 billion in GDP in Italy
- Conte: we will not use taxes to reduce the Recovery Plan
- Recovery Fund, Gentiloni says no to across-the-board tax cuts
- Mattarella: “Plans should be prepared quickly”
- 90,5% of managers: “Italy must use ESM funds”

Silvia Lovati
Associate Partner; Head of TEHA Club